

  • Studies on the Economical Manufacture of Vitamin A Concentrate from Fish Liver Oil-VII
  • テンネン ビタミンユ ヨリ ビタミン A ノウシュクブツ オ ケイザイテキ ニ セイゾウ スル ホウホウ ノ ケンキュウ 7
  • Esterification of Vitamin A Concentrate 2. Acetylation with Ketene
  • ビタミンA濃縮物のエステル化(其の2)ケテンによるアセチル化



Acetylation of vitamin A concentrate was examined, using ketene (CH=C=O) prepared in the generator illustrated in fig. 1. In the generator, vapour of refluxing acetone came in contact with a glowing grid of resistance wire and underwent cracking to produce ketene, CH4, CO etc., and the ketene evolved in the gas stream along with CH4 and CO was bubbled through the benzene solution of vitamin A concentrate.<br> The following results were obtained.<br> 1). At room temperature, ketene reacted readily with vitamin A concentrate to give its acetate, and no catalyst was needed for this reaction.<br> 2). The amount of ketene to complete acetylation was one mole per one OH group of vitamin A concentrate to be acetylated.<br> 3). The loss of vitamin A due to destruction scarcely occurred in this method.<br> 4). This method of acetylation was far simpler and more economical in the technique and operation than that with acetyl chloride and pyridine.


  • 日本水産学会誌

    日本水産学会誌 22 (8), 500-503, 1956

    公益社団法人 日本水産学会


詳細情報 詳細情報について

