Fatty acid composition of the L-type rotifer Brachionus plicatilis produced by a continuous culture system under the provision of high density Nannochloropsis

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  • 高密度ナンノクロロプシスを用いた連続培養L型ワムシ Brachionus plicatilisの脂肪酸組成
  • コウミツド ナンノクロロプシス オ モチイタ レンゾク バイヨウ Lガタ ワムシ Brachionus plicatilis ノ シボウサン ソセイ

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  Fatty acid profiles of the L-type rotifer Brachionus plicatilis harvested from a continuous culture system were compared respecting the quality of food algae. Nannochloropsis oculata propagated in high density by a panel type photo-bioreactor and fresh water Chlorella suspension on the market were tested. Continuous rotifer culture was carried out under 24°C and 26 psu in a 2000-mL polyethylene bottle.<br>    No difference was observed as to the food efficiency when evaluated from the rotifer density and the daily harvesting rate.<br>    Both fresh water Chlorella (FC) and the rotifer which fed on the algae (FC-R) had more polar lipid than nonpolar one, whereas both Nannochloropsis (N) and the rotifer which fed on the algae (N-R) had more nonpolar lipid than polar one.<br>    FC-R were rich in palmitic acid and linoleic acid, and N-R showed high icosapentaenoic acid (IPA) contents, which may reflect the composition in their food algae. A small amount of docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), however, was detected in N-R, although it was not contained in food (N). It is postulated that the rotifers metabolize IPA into DPA at least in the case when cultured with Nannochloropsis.<br>


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