Colpoda inflata の増殖におよばす培養温度と被食者密度の影響ならびに豚ふん便由来細菌に対する食性


  • The effects of prey bacterial density and temperature on the growth of Colpoda inflata and its feeding on porcine fecal bacteria.
  • Colpoda inflataの増殖におよぼす培養温度と被食者密度の影響ならびに豚ふん便由来細菌に対する食性〔英文〕
  • Colpoda inflata ノ ゾウショク ニ オヨボス バイヨウ オンド



Studies were made on the effects of prey bacterial density and temperature upon multiplication of Colpoda inflata isolated from soil and on the food habit of this protozoan. The generation time of C. inflata at 25°C was examined with 105-1010 /ml organisms of Escherichia coli as prey bacteria. It was the shortest (4.4 hr) when 108 organisms were used and the longest (18.8 hr) when 1010 organisms were used. The number of E. coli organisms consumed per protozoan was the smallest (1.0×103) when 105 or 106 organisms were used and the largest (1.6×105) when 1010 organisms were used. C. inflata failed to multiply when the E. coli organisms heated at 60°C for 30 min were used. When cultured at a temperature within a range from 5 to 40°C, C. inflata exhibited the shortest generation time (2.6 hr) at 30°C and the longest (6.2 hr) at 15°C. No multiplication was observed when the protozoan was cultured at 5°C, 10°C or 40°C. There were little differences in the number of bacteria consumed per protozoan among different cultivation temperatures. C. inflata preyed on all the fourteen species (nineteen strains) of bacteria of soil and porcine fecal origin, except three species of soil origin. Its generation time was shorter when bacteria of fecal origin were used as prey than when those of soil origin were used. Such was also the case when any other species of bacteria was used for the subculture and preculture of the protozoan. From these results, it is possible that C. inflata plays an important role in purification of soil in respect to porcine fecal bacteria.


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