ヤギの発情, 妊娠にともなう子宮内膜の組織化学的変化について


  • Histochemical Changes in the Endometrium of the Goats during the Course of Estrous Cycle and Pregnancy
  • ヤギ ノ ハツジョウ ニンシン ニ トモナウ シキュウ ナイマク ノ ソシキ



Histochemical changes in the amount of glycogen and lipids in the endometrium were observed during the course of estrous cycle and pregnancy of goats, crossbred of Saanen and native kind of Okinawa. The results obtained were as follows: 1) In the layer of surface epithelium, a small amount of glycogen and lipids were detected during non-breeding season, while these substances showed a tendency to increase during pregnancy, 2) Glycogen was not present in the glandular epitheliura during non-breeding season and estrus, but it tended to increase from the diestrus to the pregnancy. Lipids in the glandular epithelium also increased from diestrus to the pregnancy, and 3) Glycogen-containing cells and pigment cells showing PAS-positive reaction were found in the endometrial stroma. Numerous glycogen-containing cells were found during a certain stage of diestrus and in the all stages of pregnancy. On the other hand, pigment cells were variably observed during the sexual cycle, but were disappeared at the pregnant stage.



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