イヌ由来ブドウ球菌のファージ型別に関する研究 : II. 溶原菌からのファージ分離と新しい型別用ファージセットの確立


  • Bacteriophage Typing of Canine Staphylococci : II. Isolation of Phage from Lysogenic Strains and Establishment of a New Phage Set
  • イヌ ユライ ブドウキュウキン ノ ファージガタベツ ニカンスルケンキュウ 2



An attempt was made to isolate phages from canine staphylococci, so that phage typing of these organisms might be done. Of 150 coagulase-positive strains, 42 (28%) were proved to be lysogenic. All of them, exctpt seven, were found to carry phages of different host ranges. Of the phages detected, a few propagated to a titer of 100 RTD, and considerably many disappeared during passages for propagation. Multi-lysogenicity was demonstrated in four strains which produced two or three different phages. Based on host ranges, 16 phages were selected for typing of canine staphylococci and called "canine phages". They were divided into 7 groups according to their host ranges. Of them, five phages belonged to group I, six to group II, and one each to groups III to VII. Group II was further divided into sub-groups IIa and IIb, to which belonged three phages each.



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