A case of osteonecrosis of the jaw related to Bevacizumab, a recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody targeting VEGF

  • YASUI Takazumi
    Kawasaki Municipal Kawasaki Hospital, Dentistry and Oral Surgery
  • ONIZAWA Katsuhiro
    Kawasaki Municipal Kawasaki Hospital, Dentistry and Oral Surgery
  • HYODO Tomoko
    Kawasaki Municipal Kawasaki Hospital, Dentistry and Oral Surgery
  • IWASAKI Ryotaro
    Kawasaki Municipal Kawasaki Hospital, Dentistry and Oral Surgery
  • ASODA Seiji
    Kawasaki Municipal Kawasaki Hospital, Dentistry and Oral Surgery
  • KAWANA Hiromasa
    Kawasaki Municipal Kawasaki Hospital, Dentistry and Oral Surgery

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Other Title
  • 抗VEGFモノクロナール抗体ベバシズマブの関与が疑われた顎骨壊死の1例
  • コウVEGF モノクロナール コウタイ ベバシズマブ ノ カンヨ ガ ウタガワレタ ガクコツ エシ ノ 1レイ

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Bevacizumab, a recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody targeting vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), intercepts the supply of blood which is indispensable for cancer to proliferate and metastasize to the whole body. We report a case of osteonecrosis of the jaw during chemotherapy using Bevacizumab in a 64-year-old woman with unresectable colorectal cancer. After surgical treatment for sigmoid colorectal cancer had been performed in the surgery department of another hospital, multiple lung and bone metastases were discovered. Therefore, she received Bevacizumab therapy combined with another chemotherapy. At the initial examination, there was exposed bone in the right mandibular lingual gingiva of the third molar region. This bone was isolated as a sequestrum and was easily removed. The surgical wound became completely covered with mucosal epithelia. There was no evidence of recurrence for 10 months after treatment.<br>We suspect that this osteonecrosis of the jaw was caused by the antiangiogenic property of Bevacizumab.


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