Mixed connective tissue disease(MCTD) with deteriorating renal function.

  • KUMAGAI Isoa
    The Third Department of Medicine Okayama University Medical School
  • TAKATORI Katsuhiko
    The Third Department of Medicine Okayama University Medical School
  • NISHIMURA Masaaki
    The Third Department of Medicine Okayama University Medical School
  • THENG Long Zhu
    The Third Department of Medicine Okayama University Medical School
  • TAKAOKA Michio
    The Third Department of Medicine Okayama University Medical School
  • MAKINO Hirofumi
    The Third Department of Medicine Okayama University Medical School
    The Third Department of Medicine Okayama University Medical School
  • MIYAWAKI Shoji
    The Third Department of Medicine Okayama University Medical School
  • OTA Zensuke
    The Third Department of Medicine Okayama University Medical School

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Other Title
  • 混合性結合組織病(MCTD)の経過中急速に腎障害をきたした1例

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40才,女性.混合性結合組織病(MCTD)で経過観察中にネフローゼ症候群,腎機能低下をきたした.腎生検では膜性変化,巣状増殖性変化と小血管の軽度の肥厚を認めた.ステロイド薬治療中に高血圧,血尿・蛋白尿の増加,腎機能の低下,レニン活牲の上昇をきたし,カプトプリルの投与により改善が得られた. MCTDの腎病変は比較的軽度のものが多いが,急速に腎不全に陥る例もみられ,この症例も含めて強皮症腎様の血管病変の進行が示唆される.



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