Forecasting of the Proper Timing for Insecticidal Controls against First-Generation Larvae of <i>Stathmopoda masinissa</i>(Lepidoptera: Stathmopodidae), Based on the Day of Full Bloom of ‘Fuyu’ and Pheromone Trap Catches at the Overwintering-Generation in Persimmon Orchards

  • Arai Tomonori
    Division of Grape and Persimmon Research, NARO Institute of Fruit Tree and Tea Science
  • Tsueda Hirotsugu
    Gifu Prefectural Agricultural Technology Center
  • Narai Yutaka
    Shimane Agricultural Technology Center
  • Sawamura Nobuo
    Shimane Agricultural Technology Center
  • Toyama Masatoshi
    Division of Grape and Persimmon Research, NARO Institute of Fruit Tree and Tea Science
  • Toda Satoshi
    Division of Grape and Persimmon Research, NARO Institute of Fruit Tree and Tea Science

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Other Title
  • ‘富有’の満開日およびフェロモントラップを利用したカキノヘタムシガ(チョウ目:ニセマイコガ科)第1世代幼虫防除時期の予測
  • 'フユウ'ノ マンカイビ オヨビ フェロモントラップ オ リヨウ シタ カキノヘタムシガ(チョウモク:ニセマイコガカ)ダイ1 セダイ ヨウチュウ ボウジョ ジキ ノ ヨソク

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<p>The relationships between the timing of initial bud and fruit infestation by first-instar larvae of the persimmon fruit moth, Stathmopoda masinissa Meyrick, the day of full bloom of the cultivar ‘Fuyu’ and first catch dates of overwintering-generation adult males in pheromone traps were investigated in persimmon orchards in Gifu, Hiroshima, and Shimane Prefectures, Japan, between 2010 and 2013. Ten days after the day of full bloom of ‘Fuyu’ coincided with the period between initial bud infestation and initial fruit infestation of S. masinissa, and insecticide spraying at this time was effective in suppressing fruit damage caused by this pest. Twenty days after the first trap catch of the overwintering-generation of S. masinissa coincided with the period between initial bud infestation and initial fruit infestation. Thus, to control this pest, we recommended insecticide spraying at 10 days after full bloom of ‘Fuyu’ or at 20 days after the first trap catch of the overwintering-generation of S. masinissa.</p>



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