

  • Uniformity Trial of the Distribution of Diseased Silkworm Mother Moths Infected with Pébrine in an Unit Group of a Lot, Laid Eggs, using Homogenizer Published in the Foregoing Paper of this Journal
  • ハハ ガ コンワキ リヨウ ニ ヨル 1ソウリツグチ カク ダイシ ノ ビリュウシビョウ ガ ブンプ ノ イチヨウセイ ノ ケンテイ



Experiments of the above title are done by middle rotations of the homogenizer, which rotates a little more than 26 r.p.m. and mixes moths twice per rotation by the action of agitation vane inserted at 45 degree to the base of a drum. As the number of an unit group, 600 and 200 moths are adopted in accordance with the ordinary custom of egg producers. Results are as follows.<br>1. After rotation of the homogenizer for only five seconds, the distribution of almost all groups of diseased moths becomes already binomial or normal.<br>2. As the rotation time of the homogenizer becomes longer and longer, the distribution of diseased moths tends more and more to fit the normal formula than the binomial, and in some cases, it takes PEARSON'S II-type distribution curve or in other cases, even if rare, more than halves of the number of experiments centre to the position of population mean value p, though their mode deviate slightly to right or left side of the position p'.<br>3. The effect of homogenizing action of this machine seems to be not seriously influenced by the percentage of diseased moths.<br>4. Interaction-test, comparing p & p' and q & q' or by SNEDECOR'S R×2 method using population variance, pq, shows in all cases the uniformity of variance, after rotated samples for five seconds or more.<br>5. Inspections using confidence interval p±3√pq/ and p±2√pq/ show equivalence in all former cases and in latter cases, when the time of rotation becomes fifteen seconds or longer. POISSON distribution inspection using x2-test also proves to be equivalent in all cases of experiments.<br>6. Abstraction of the required number of moths to be inspected can be easily done from any part of their unit group by picking out at a sampling and the number of sampling units, fifty, may not necessarily be needed, if the homgenizer is previously used.<br>7. If the high rotatory speed is used, the required time of rotation can be reduced to half, however in order to exclude fine scales of moths, infected with spores of pébrine, by the electric fan, the rotation time for thirty seconds may be desirable.



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