

  • Transmission of the Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus by a New Planthopper Vector, <i>Delphacodes (?) albifascia</i> MATSUMURA
  • シロオビウンカ ニ ヨル イネク ロスジ イシュクビョウ ノ バイカイ



The laboratory tests demonstrated that a planthopper, Delphacodes (?) albifascia MATSUMURA, has an ability to acquire the black-streaked dwarf virus and transmit it to the rice plant. This species was recorded as the third planthopper vector of this virus. The virus transmission occurred in both nymphs and adults; the adults could transmit the virus acquired in their nymphal stage. The virus persisted in the vector throughout its life span. Nevertheless, the infective insects failed to transmit the virus to the plant for many days in succession; transmissions were often intermittent and erratic. The latent period of the virus in the vector averaged approximately 13 days at 25°C. The percentage of infective insects and of transmission rose with an increase of acquisition feeding time and of inoculation feeding one, respectively; both of these threshold periods were within 15min. The virus was not congentially transmitted through the eggs of the vector. During a course of the experiments a maximum of 50% of infective insects was obtained from the population with 3-day acquisition feeding period at 20°C.



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