

  • Effect of Molded Rice on Egg Production of Japanese Quail
  • ニホン ウズラ ノ サンラン ニ オヨボス シジョウキン バイヨウ マイ ノ エイキョウ



Two samples of rice artificially molded with Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus and pure aflatoxin B1 were fed to total 274 laying Japanese quail for 12 days to compare the effect of molded rice on the egg production of quail with that of pure aflatoxin B1.<br>Content of aflatoxin B1 in molded rice was determined by densitometry after developing the extract on thin-layer chromatogram at 4 laboratories at 2 different times.<br>Coefficient of variation among the six estimates of aflatoxin B1 was 43 and 41% for Samples 1 and 2, respectively, which were comparable with those reported in the literatures.<br>Daily feed intake and egg production of quail fed molded rice decreased in inverse proportion to the dietary level of molded rice. Those of quail fed pure aflatoxin B1 also tended to decrease proportionally though much slowly.<br>On the working hypothesis that the response of quail to molded rice is simply and only correlated with the content of aflatoxin B1 in molded rice, analyses of regression and covariance were carried out on the performance of quail and dietary aflatoxin B1 level. No difference was observed statistically between two regression lines corresponding to Samples 1 and 2, respectively, so that these two lines were amalgamated into one line. The amalgamated line was found different significantly from the regression line on pure aflatoxin B1. The findings were true with both feed intake and egg production of the quail.<br>From the ratio between two regression coefficients, one for pure aflatoxin B1 and the other for molded rice, it was calculated that the injurious effect of aflatoxin B1 in molded rice to egg production and feed intake was about four times stronger than that of pure aflatoxin B1 on iso-aflatoxin B1 level, suggesting the presence of an unknwon factor or factors in molded rice.<br>Both molded rice and pure aflatoxin B1 increased liver weight within 12 days of experimental period though the effect was not confirmed statistically.<br>No residue of aflatoxin B1 in the egg laid on the control diet and on the diets containing the highest level of molded rice and pure aflotoxin B1 was detected. The threshold sensitivity of the detection was 20ppb.


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