- 桜井 斉
- 稲沢高校
- タイトル別名
- Influence of Ambient Temperature and Light Length for The Rearing Term on Growth and Egg Production Characteristics of Japanese Quail
- ニホン ウズラ ノ イクセイキ ノ シイク オンド オヨビ ショウメイ ジカン
A rearing environment of a female quail must give her the highest laying performance with relatively higher growth rate and higher feed efficiency. This study was conducted to find the better ambient temperature and light length for the rearing term. Four hundred and five 7-day-old female quail, divided into 9 groups, were put in electrically-heated brooders designed for this experiment, and reared under 9 combinations of 3 levels of ambient temperature, T1, T2, and T3, and of 3 levels of lightening period, L1, L2, and L3. At the level T1, it was kept at 23°C for initial 2 weeks from 1 to 3 weeks of age (Period 1), and at 17°C for the following 3 weeks from 3 to 6 weeks of age (Period 2). At the level T2, it was kept at 29°C and 26°C, respectively, and at the level T3, kept constant at 35°C throughout 2 periods. Lightening period for the levels of L1, L2, and L3 were 8, 16, and 24 hours per day, respectively. The data were analyzed statistically as two-way layout design.<br>1) The body weight gain in Period 1 was larger at 29°C than those of the other temperature. Growth of quail in Period 2 was retarded under 8hrs lightening. No significant difference in growth rate was observed between 16 and 24hrs lightening.<br>2) Feed intake increased by prolongation of lightening from 8 to 16hrs, but no further increase was observed by further prolongation.<br>3) Feed efficiency improved curvilinearly in Period 1, and linearly in Period 2 in proportion to ambient temperature.<br>4) Sexual maturity of quail was delayed under 8hrs lightening. As the result, their egg production in the first month was significantly lower than those of the 2 groups of quail. No significant difference was observed among 3 groups in egg production after the second month.<br>5) Delay in sexual maturity under 8hrs lightening resulted in lower total egg production during 8 months of experimental period.<br>6) It was recommended to rear female quail under lightening over 16hrs per day for better egg production.
- 日本家禽学会誌
日本家禽学会誌 20 (1), 1-7, 1983
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390001206458633984
- 130003622246
- 40002848189
- AN00186755
- 2578029
- 00290254
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- データソース種別
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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