IgGおよび抗体産生に関するファブリシウス嚢摘出の効果 とくにIgG高低選抜系統において


  • Effect of bursectomy on IgG and antibody productions. With special reference to high and low IgG strains of the chicken.
  • IgG オヨビ コウタイ サンセイ ニ カンスル ファブリシウスノウ テキシュ
  • with Special Reference to High and Low IgG Strains of the Chicken
  • とくにIgG高低選抜系統において



A role of the bursa of Fabricius in ontogenic developments of IgG and antibody productions has been studied in high (H) and low (L) IgG strains of White Plymouth Rock chickens developed by Tamaki et al. (1979). They were bursectomized chemically in ovo with testosterone. At 4 and 6 weeks of age, both the intact and bursectomized (BSX) chicks were intravenously immunized with sheep red blood cells (SRBC) and Brucella abortus (Ba). Serum IgG values and antibody titers were determined by using methods of single radial immunodiffusion and microtiter, respectively. Antibodies were classified IgM and IgG based on sensitivity of the antibody to mercaptoethanol (ME) and gel-filtration of the serum.<br>In L-chicks, BSX caused to inhibit any increase of the IgG values following with growth of the chicks. In H-chicks, however, BSX was temporally effective for inhibition at early stage of growth. After 4 weeks of age, the IgG values increased in BSX chicks as much as in intact chicks.<br>In immune response to Ba, BSX significantly impaired to produce anti-Ba antibodies in H- and L-chicks. The impairment was clearly observed in productions of IgG of the antibody at the secondary response.<br>Either at the primary or secondary response to SRBC, total and ME-resistant antibody titers were lowered by BSX in L-chicks. In H-chicks, however, BSX was effective to impair productions of IgG of the antibody at the primary response, but not at the secondary response where IgG of the antibody was significantly produced in BSX chicks as comparable to in intact chicks.<br>These results suggest that there are two types of IgG producing systems, which are the bursa dependent and independent systems for ontogenic developments of IgG productions. Both the former and latter systems might work in H-chicks, while in L-chicks IgG might be mainly produced by the former system.


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