Fluid dynamic analysis of snow drift using a non-Boussinesq k-.EPSILON. turbulence model.
- Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology
- FUJITA Kazunari
- Hokkaido Water Engineering Consultant
- SUZUKI Takefumi
- Graduate School, Nagaoka University of Technology
- KOSUGI Kenji
- Shinjo Branch of Snow and Ice Studies, NIED
- SATO Takeshi
- Shinjo Branch of Snow and Ice Studies, NIED
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 非ブーシネスクk‐ε乱流モデルによる吹雪の流動解析
- ヒブーシネスク k イプシロン ランリュウ モデル ニ ヨル フブキ ノ リュウドウ カイセキ
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A numerical analysis of snow drift has been carried out. The results were compared with experimental snow drift data in the low temperature wind tunnel at Shinjo. The numerical model is based on the non-Boussinesq approximation in which the density is a function of volumetric concentration of snow particles. The model consists of the air continuity eguation, the mass snow particle conservation equation, the Reynolds equation the turbulence kinetic energy equation an equation of the viscous dissipation rate. Using several sets of parameters; i.e. the slope angles, the near bed concentrations and the diameters of snow particles, the model calculations are carried out. In the experiment, snow drift was generated in a wind tunnel. The velocity profile was measured using a hot film anemometer and snow particle flux was measured by a snow particle counter (SPC). The numerical solutions can explain these profiles well if we choose appropriate values of parameters included in the model.
- Journal of the Japanese Society of Snow and Ice
Journal of the Japanese Society of Snow and Ice 61 (4), 285-296, 1999
The Japanese Society of Snow and Ice
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001206461065472
- NII Article ID
- 10004648169
- 10011062987
- NII Book ID
- AN00131221
- 18836267
- 03731006
- 4805562
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- Disallowed