Systemic, Multiple Granuloma Formation Caused by Acid-fast Bacteria in Cultured Ayu.

  • Wada Shinpei
    Division of Fish Diseases, Nippon Veterinary and Animal Science University
  • Hayakawa Yutaka
    Division of Fish Diseases, Nippon Veterinary and Animal Science University
  • Rhoobunjongde Winai
    Division of Fish Diseases, Nippon Veterinary and Animal Science University
  • Hatai Kishio
    Division of Fish Diseases, Nippon Veterinary and Animal Science University
  • Kubota Saburoh S.
    Division of Fish Diseases, Nippon Veterinary and Animal Science University
  • Ishii Hideo
    Tochigi Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station

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  • 養殖アユにみられた抗酸菌性全身性多発性肉芽腫形成について
  • ヨウショク アユ ニ ミラレタ コウサンキンセイ ゼンシンセイ タハツセイ ニ

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Histopathological studies were made on cultured ayu with systemic, multiple granuloma. Examined fish were collected from a farm in Tochigi Prefecture in 1989 and 1990. Macroscopically the disease was characterized by discoloration of the body, severely protruded eyes, and numerous small nodules on the surface of many organs as follows; liver, kidney, spleen, heart and intestine.<BR>Histology showed that these nodules were granulomas composed of mononuclear cells and surrounded by the thin connective tissue. Granulomas were also found in gill filaments and trunk muscles. Gram-positive, selener, long rods were abundantly detected in the granulomas. Some of these long rods were also stained positively with Ziehl-Neelsen method for acid-fast bacteria and methenamine silver-nitrate stain (Grocott's variation).<BR>From the results, the case of these fish was diagnosed as “systemic, multiple granuloma caused by acid-fast bacteria”.


  • Fish Pathology

    Fish Pathology 26 (3), 127-131, 1991

    The Japanese Society of Fish Pathology

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