The Origin of Cribe Texture in Copper

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  • 銅における立方体集合組織の成因について
  • ドウ ニ オケル リッポウタイ シュウゴウ ソシキ ノ セイイン ニ ツイテ

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In order to test the oriented growth and the oriented nucleation theories of the origin of the cube texture, the orientation relationship between the rolling texture and the annealing texture of a tough-pitch copper strip was examined after secondary rolling at right angle to the primary rolling direction. At low secondary reduction, while shifting of the main component of the rolling texture was hardly abserved, the pole figure for the annealing texture showed that the (200) maxima in the secondary rolling direction were much decreased in intensity and the cube texture might be accounted for by spread from the (001) [100] orientation corresponding to the rotation around the [100] axis parallel to the primary rolling direction. At high secondary reduction, though the main component of the rolling texture was deviated considerably from the (2911) [\bar9\bar45] orientation, the pole figure for the annealing texture was composed mainly of the fairly sharp cube orientation. Such behavior will be difficult to explain in the terms of the oriented growth theory at least.


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