

  • Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Fe-Mn (<I>fcc</I>) Alloys
  • Fe-Mn系(fcc)合金の熱膨張係数
  • Fe-Mnケイ fcc ゴウキン ノ ネツ ボウチョウ ケイスウ
  • Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Fe-Ni (<I>fcc</I>) Alloys



The thermal expansion coefficient α was measured at temperatures T from 800°C to −100°C for Fe-Mn (fcc) alloys in the composition range of 30∼50%Mn. The results obtained are as follows: (1) The α-T curves of Fe-Mn alloys are similar to that of the Invar alloy in the Fe-Ni system. But the value of α is larger than that of the Invar alloy and 10.5×10−6/°C at 0°C for 30%Mn-Fe alloy. (2) The thermal expansion coefficient in the paramagnetic state, αp, shows a maximum on the Mn rich-side in the composition curve. The maximum position moves to the Fe rich-side with decreasing temperature. (3) It has been pointed out that the interpretation of the Invar properties by the Bethe-Slater curve is inappropriate, and newly the curves on the relation between exchange energy, J, and atomic number, Z, is proposed. (4) Volume magnetostoriction ωs obtained from the α-T curve shows a maximum of 42×10−6 near about 35%Mn in the composition curve, which decreases with increasing Mn content. This composition dependence of ωs may be interpriated by the J-Z curves.


  • 日本金属学会誌

    日本金属学会誌 34 (9), 897-901, 1970

    公益社団法人 日本金属学会

被引用文献 (8)*注記


詳細情報 詳細情報について

