

  • The Effects of Substructure Formed at the Tip of a Fatigue Crack on the Rate of Fatigue Crack Propagation
  • ヒロウ クラック センタン チカク ニ オケル カブ ソシキ ケイセイ ト ヒロウ クラック デンパ ソクド



In order to make clear a roll of substructure in the propagation of a fatigue crack, relation between the rate of fatigue crack propagation and the characteristics of substructure formed at the tip of a fatigue crack was investigated.<BR>The smaller the volume of subgrains and the misorientation, or the larger the disorientation and the total misorientation, the larger becomes the rate of fatigue crack propagation. The rate of fatigue crack propagation was proved to be affected also by fatigue stress independently of the characteristics of substructure. The results described above can be explained qualitatively by the void coalescence mechanism for fatigue crack propagation suggested by the present authors.<BR>The size of plastic zone, Zp, determined by X-ray observations was found to be related to the rate of fatigue crack propagation, dl⁄dN, by<BR>(This article is not displayable. Please see full text pdf.) <BR>where A is a constant, and m is the exponent of about 2. The relation is the same as that deduced from the macroscopic point of view.


  • 日本金属学会誌

    日本金属学会誌 34 (9), 888-891, 1970

    公益社団法人 日本金属学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

