

  • The Deposition of Titanium from Titanium (IV) Iodide under a Flow System
  • リュウドウホウ ニ ヨル ヨウカ チタン IV カラ ノ チタン ノ セキシュツ



The deposition rate of titanium from titanium (IV) iodide was measured under the flow system in which the substrate was a high-purity titanium and the carrier gases were argon, hydrogen and their mixed gases. When the substrate was maintained at a constant temperature below 1450°C in argon, the deposition rate was controlled by the chemical reaction on the deposition surface and the rate decreased with an increase in the partial pressure of titanium (IV) iodide. Moreover, the lowest temperature of titanium deposition was higher than that of a closed system. These results suggest that, under the flow system, volatile compounds such as iodine formed in the deposition process of titanium and lower iodides formed by the etching reaction between titanium (IV) iodide and the titanium substrate are swept out of the gas phase near the substrate surface, and that the contribution of the etching reaction is great compared with the deposition under the closed system. A similar effect of the partial pressure of titanium (IV) iodide was observed in the deposition in the mixed carrier gases with relatively low partial pressure of hydrogen and also in the hydrogen carrier gas in the substrate temperature range of 1060 to 1200°C.


  • 日本金属学会誌

    日本金属学会誌 38 (7), 581-586, 1974

    公益社団法人 日本金属学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

