Effect of Iron and Chromium Additions on the Properties of New High Magnetic Permeability Alloys “Nimalloy” in the Nickel and Manganese System

  • Masumoto Hakaru
    The Foundation: The Research Institute of Electric and Magnetic Alloys
  • Murakami Yûetsu
    The Foundation: The Research Institute of Electric and Magnetic Alloys
  • Hinai Masakatsu
    The Foundation: The Research Institute of Electric and Magnetic Alloys

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Other Title
  • Ni-Mn系新高透磁率合金「Nimalloy」の特性におよぼすFeおよびCr添加の影響について
  • Ni-Mnケイ シン コウトウジリツ ゴウキン Nimalloy ノ トクセイ ニ オヨボス Fe オヨビ Cr テンカ ノ エイキョウ ニ ツイテ
  • Effect of Iron and Chromium Additions on the Properties of New High Magnetic Permeability Alloys “Nimalloy” in the Nickel and Manganese System

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Since the original discovery of “Nimalloy” on the Ni-Mn alloys containing about 24%Mn or less which show high permeability when rendered into an optimum degree of order by proper heat treatment. Much work has since been done so as to investigate the effects of various element additions on the properties of Ni-Mn alloys, and numerous alloys having superior magnetic properties have been obtained. It has been known that the cooling rate should be as large as possible for the Ni-Mn-Fe alloys and as small as possible for the Ni-Mn-Cr alloys in order to develop their excellent magnetic properties. Therefore the present authors have investigated the Ni-Mn-Fe-Cr system to obtain the alloys which exhibit the superior magnetic property at a moderate cooling speed as the furnace cooling. As a result, the highest initial permeability of 53950 was obtained on the alloy composed of 78.59%Ni, 14.01%Mn, 4.05%Fe and 3.35%Cr when cooled at a rate of 240°C/hr from 900°C, and the highest maximum permeability of 231000 on the alloy of 78.64%Ni, 14.46%Mn, 4.02%Fe and 2.88%Cr when cooled at a rate of 100°C/hr from 900°C. The latter alloy shows a coercive force of 0.0043 Oe and a magnetic hysteresis loss of 11.42 erg/cm3/cycle for a maximum magnetic induction of 2000G, its electrical resistivity being 75.0 μΩ-cm at 20°C.


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