

  • Influence of Heat Treatment and Cold Working on Ageing of Logarithmic Decrement in Al-Zn Alloys
  • Al Zn ゴウキン ニ オケル タイスウ ゲンスイリツ ノ ケイジ ヘンカ



Ageing at room temperature in the logarithmic decrement δ and crystal structure were investigated for heat-treated and cold-worked Al-Zn alloys. The volue of δ was measured by an inverted pendulum method and the crystal structure was confirmed by using an X-ray diffractometer method.<BR>The value δ of the Al-Zn alloys containing Zn less than 70% by mass is very low just after water quenching from a temperature of 673 K in the region of the α phase, but becomes higher with time, decreasing gradually after reaching a maximum. The nearer the eutectoid composition, the shorter the decomposition time at which the maximum of δ appears. On the other hand, in the alloys which were water-quenched from 573 K in the region of the (α+β ) phase, δ shows a maximum in a short time than that from the α phase. Which the alloys contained 80 and 90%Zn by mass and were water-quenched from the region of the (γ+β) phase, δ from 623 K is higher than that from 573 K, and both values reach maxima just after quenching and then decrease gradually. The variation in δ may be explained as follows. In the alloys with the α phase, δ is very low but becomes gradually higher with the increase in precipitation of the β phase due to the eutectoid decomposition reaction, it then decreases gradually with the slow growth of the grains after reaching a maximum.<BR>The value δ upon furnace cooling is very low, whereas upon cold working it becomes higher because of the refinement of grains and the increasing dislocations caused by working. Further, by cold working after water quenching, δ is increased considerably. However, in the cold-worked states, δ becomes lower gradually with time.


  • 日本金属学会誌

    日本金属学会誌 55 (6), 715-719, 1991

    公益社団法人 日本金属学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

