

  • Phase Decomposition Process of Mechanically Ground YFe<SUB>2</SUB> Studied by Mössbauer Effect
  • メカニカルグラインディングの際のYFe2の相分解過程のメスバウアー効果による研究
  • メカニカル グラインディング ノ サイ ノ YFe2 ノ ソウ ブンカイ カテ
  • Phase Decomposition Process of Mechanically Ground YFe<SUB>2</SUB> Studied by M&ouml;ssbauer Effect



Mechanically ground YFe2 was studied by means of X-ray diffraction and the Mössbauer effect. It is shown that YFe2 decomposes into bcc Fe and amorphous Y-Fe by mechanical grinding. Mössbauer spectra of mechanically ground YFe2 can be analyzed by the superposition of three kinds of spectra: a sextet of bcc Fe, two sextets of mother YFe2 and a doublet of amorphous Y-Fe. Grinding period dependence of the fraction of Fe atoms in each state is determined. After 72 h milling, 50 and 40% of Fe atoms are incorpolated into the amorphous phase and bcc Fe, respectively. Assuming that Y is not solved in bcc Fe, the mean concentration of the amorphous phase is estimated to be Y0.45Fe0.55, being nearly independent of the grinding period up to 72 h. Magnetization of mechanically ground YFe2 is also studied. It is shown that the grinding period dependence of magnetization is well explained by the results of Mössbauer analyses.


  • 日本金属学会誌

    日本金属学会誌 57 (4), 363-367, 1993

    公益社団法人 日本金属学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

