Analysis of Negative Poisson's Ratios of Re-Entrant Honeycombs

  • OHTAKI Hideyuki
    Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Saitama University
  • HU Guoming
    Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Saitama University
  • NAGASAKA Yasumi
    Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Nippon Institute of Technology
  • KOTOSAKA Sinya
    Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Saitama University



Materials or structures that contract in the transverse direction under uniaxial compression, or expand laterally when stretched are said to have negative Poisson's ratios. A theoretical approach to the prediction of negative Poisson's ratios of re-entrant honeycombs has been developed which is based on the large deflection model. The equations of the deflection curves of the inclined member of the re-entrant cell, strains and Poisson's ratios of re-entrant honeycombs in two orthogonal directions have been derived. The deformed shapes of the inclined members of the re-entrant cell are calculated. The negative Poisson's ratios of re-entrant honeycombs are no longer a constant at large deformation. They vary significantly with the strain. The effect of the geometric parameters of the cell on the Poisson's ratios is analyzed.


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