

  • Late Quaternary Paleoceanographic Changes off Southern Java.



We analyzed diatom assemblages, oxygen isotopes in foraminiferal tests, and mineral compositions in the deep sea cores from off southern Java and attempted reconstruction of ocean currents to obtain informations about Asian monsoons, thermohaline conveyer system, and crossing of Wallace's line of modern Homo sapiens. Results suggest that (1) the West Australian Current was enhanced and the boundary zone between tropic and subtropic areas moved northwards during (sub) glacial periods; (2) the Equatorial Countercurrent was enhanced and the boundary zone moved southwards during interglacials; (3) the Java Coastal Current from the north was enhanced during oxygen isotopic stages 3 to 2, when the northwestern monsoon was enhanced, and then it was weakend by stage 2 under the gradual transgression; (4) the Western Australian Current caused coastal upwelling when the thermohaline conveyer system was weakened, but the westward horizontal movement of the conveyer system interrupted vertical movement of upwellings during the Last Interglacial; and (5) modern Homo sapiens might have crossd Wallace's line during the interval from 65 to 50ka, from the period when the Java Coastal Current, running eastward under the influens of northwestern monsoonal wind, began to be enforced to the period when the flows halted.


  • 第四紀研究

    第四紀研究 38 (5), 387-399, 1999


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