The Relationship between Culture and Environment of the Upper Paleolithic in Southern China

  • Cai Bao-quan
    Department of History, Xiamen University
  • Takahashi Keiichi
    Cultural History and Geoscience Research Group, Scientific Research Department, Lake Biwa Museum

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Other Title
  • 中国南部における後期旧石器時代の文化と環境の関係
  • Relationship between Culture and Environment of the Upper Paleolithic in Southern China

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The area of the upper Paleolithic in Southern China can be divided into five regions: the Area south of Wuling; Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau Region; West Sichuan Plateau Region; Sichuan Basin-the Hilly Regions south of the Yangtze River; the Plain of the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River. Regional differences of cultural features and economic forms of the upper Paleolithic in Southern China are consistent with the change of “Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna” assemblages, and display a close relationship between culture and environment during that time.



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