

  • Paleoclimatic Implications in Variations of Physical, Chemical, and Mineralogical Properties of Weathered Volcanic Ash Soils in the Tokachi Plain.
  • キコウ ヘンドウ ノ シジシャ トシテノ トカチ ロームソウ ノ ショ セイシ



Several properties of successive terrestrial coverbeds should record information about the environment when they were deposited. Variations in physical, chemical, and mineralogical properties of weathered volcanic ash soils in the southern part of the Tokachi Plain have provided effective information for reconstructing the influence on the glacial-interglacial oscillations since the Last Interglacial Stage. Dry bulk density, quartz content in silt fraction, and carbon content show variations synchronous with the standard marine oxygen isotope variation since the Last Interglacial Stage. Dry bulk density and quartz content increase in oxygen isotope stages 2, 4, and 5d or 6, indicating a cold climate episode. Relatively high carbon content is recognized in oxygen isotope stages 3, 5a, and 5c, indicating a warm climate episode, and decreases in the cold stage. Increasing dry bulk density would indicate increasing tropospheric dust addition, represented by high quartz content and abundance of crystalline clay minerals. Most of the tropospheric dust in Japan has been transported from China by the northwest winter monsoon; accordingly, increasing dry bulk density and tropospheric dust addition in the cold stage would indicate a strengthening of that monsoon. On the other hand, decreasing carbon content indicates decreasing accumulation of humus in the soil, resulting from vegetation change associated with the periglacial environment under a cold climate episode in the Tokachi Plain.


  • 第四紀研究

    第四紀研究 34 (5), 345-358, 1995


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