地震被害と地形・表層地質・地盤特性  “震災の帯”の中の被害差の原因について


  • Seismic Damage and Topography/Surface Geology/Ground Property. The Causes of Variation of Building Damage in the "Seismic Disaster Belt".
  • ジシン ヒガイ ト チケイ ヒョウソウ チシツ ジバン トクセイ シンサイ ノ オビ ノ ナカ ノ ヒガイサ ノ ゲンイン ニ ツイテ
  • The Causes of Variation of Building Damage in the “Seismic Disaster Belt”
  • “震災の帯”の中の被害差の原因について



The details of the “Seismic Disaster Belt” of the 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake shows that seismic damage varies from block to block in a complex pattern ranging from intensity 5 (JMA) with no significant damage to intensity 7 (JMA) with over 30% destruction of buildings. The authors studied the distribution of building damage, the topographical and geological features, and the ground dynamic properties. As a result of the study, the authors found that the incident seismic wave from the engineering basement upon the surface layer which comprises mainly coarse Late Pleistocene and alluvial deposits (N Value=15-40) were amplified differently due to the changes of predominant frequency and impedance. The variation of seismic damage can be mainly attributed to variation in seismic amplification of the surface layer. The resonance between buildings and the ground can also be a contributor to the destruction. This study also clarifies the relationship between destruction rate of wooden/RC buildings and the maximum acceleration.


  • 第四紀研究

    第四紀研究 39 (4), 389-400, 2000


参考文献 (11)*注記


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