

  • Analysis of Distribution of Porosity and Feeding Effect in ADC12 Alloy Die Casting Part
  • ADC12 ゴウキン ダイカスト セイヒン ニ オケル ポロシティ ノ ブンプ ト オシユ コウカ ノ カイセキ



In this study, die casting machine test was conducted to establish the quantitative evaluation of the formation of cast defect and to elucidate the squeeze effect on the formation of porosity in ADC12 aluminum die casting alloy. Considerable porosities were seen to be distributed parallel to the surface of the permanent mold in the samples, and the larger spherical or Chinese-like shrinkage showed a strong tendency to distribute at the center of the samples. On the contrary, dispersal of only a few porosities was found immediately below the surface, since density of the aluminum sample is higher around the casting surface than that in the internal area. From the density analysis, the porosities were calculated to be 3.1 to 4.6% in volume in the sample, and the gas porosity was estimated to be 1.5% or lower out of the total porosity, indicating that more than 98% of the porosities are produced due to solidification shrinkage even in the die cast process. On the other hand, the volume fraction of the shrinkage porosity tended to decrease with increasing ratio of modulus of the gate and that of the sectioned area of products (Mg/Me). A modified version of Chvorinov's rule was adopted to explain the influence of the modulus on the formation of shrinkage porosity, and the optimization of die casting conditions was discussed.


  • 鋳造工学

    鋳造工学 84 (11), 612-617, 2012

    公益社団法人 日本鋳造工学会

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