Depth Profile Measurements of Hydrogen Isotopes near the Surface of the TFTR Plasma Facing Component using Nuclear Reaction Analysis

  • KUBOTA Naoyoshi
    Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Naka Fusion Research Establishment
  • OCHIAI Kentaro
    Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Naka Fusion Research Establishment
    Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Naka Fusion Research Establishment
  • HAYASHI Takao
    Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Naka Fusion Research Establishment
  • SHU Wataru
    Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Naka Fusion Research Establishment
  • NISHI Masataka
    Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Naka Fusion Research Establishment
    Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Naka Fusion Research Establishment

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  • 核反応分析を用いたTFTRプラズマ対向壁表面近傍の水素同位体分布測定
  • カクハンノウ ブンセキ オ モチイタ TFTR プラズマ タイコウヘキ ヒョウメン キンボウ ノ スイソ ドウイタイ ブンプ ソクテイ

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Tritium and deuterium depth profiles of the TFTR tile exposed to deuterium-tritium plasmas have been measured to reveal the hydrogen isotope behavior at the surface region by means of deuteron induced nuclear reaction analysis. The analyzed sample was a part of a tile made of a four-dimensional carbon fiber composite, which was placed at K bay, column C, row 16 of the TFTR vacuum vessel. Four kinds of elements, deuterium, tritium, lithium -6 and lithium -7, were identified. The tritium concentration had a peak at 0.5 μm with an atomic density of 7.4×1025 T/m3 in depth profile, whereas the deuterium showed a broad distribution up to the depth of 1.5 μm with atomic densities of 3.4×1027 D/m3. It is found that a fraction of the retained tritium from the surface to 1.5 μm, 8.1×1019 T/m2, corresponded to 2% of that from the surface to 1 mm, 1.0×1021 T/m2, which was measured for the KC-18 tile using the combustion method.



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