Some Characteristics of Cyclotron. Emission from Energetic Electrons

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  • 高速電子からのサイクロトロン放射の特性
  • コウソク デンシ カラ ノ サイクロトロン ホウシャ ノ トクセイ

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Characteritics of gyro-synchrotron emission from energetic electrons are considered. Radiation waves consist of two circularly polarized waves, right-and left-handed. when the pitch angle of an electron is smaller than π/2, most radiated power of right-handed wave concentrates in the narrow cone which is formed by the pitch angle arownd the magnetic line of force. This power is much greater than that of left-handed wave. <BR>The polarization of composite waves is determined by adding right-and left-handed waved, and is only determined, by the pitch angle (ψ) and the ratio of the electron speed to the light speed (β).


  • Kakuyūgō kenkyū

    Kakuyūgō kenkyū 20 (5), 451-466, 1968

    The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research

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