

  • Spectral Separation of Surface and 2nd Layers of Laminated Polymer Films by Fourier Transform Infrared ATR Spectrometry
  • フーリエ ヘンカン セキガイ ATRホウ ニヨル コウブンシ ニソウ マク ノ



An analytical method to obtain the IR spectra corresponding the 1st and the 2nd layers of laminated polymer films was studied by use of a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer combined with ATR attachment. In the present case, the thickness of the 1st layer was thinner than infrared wave lengths used. Two different spectra (a and b) of the samples were measured for the two incident angles. For arithmetic operation, the key band of each layer was selected by comparing the relative band intensities of both a and b spectra. If possible, the key bands were desired to be strong and symmetric in shape and not to be overlapped with any of another layer's bands. The spectra of both layers were separately obtained by taking the difference between a and b spectra. The factors for the computation were calculated by the peak intensity ratio of the key bands of a and b spectra. By this method, the spectra of the 1st and the 2nd layer were preferably obtained for the samples of surface coated poly (vinyl alcohol) and polypropylene films.


  • 高分子論文集

    高分子論文集 37 (3), 179-183, 1980

    公益社団法人 高分子学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

