Study on Oxidation Resistance of Copper Plate with Organic Thin Layer by Cyclic Voltammetry

  • TAKAGI Juri
    Department of Molecular Chemistry, Kyoto Institute of Technology
  • IKEDA Takuya
    Department of Molecular Chemistry, Kyoto Institute of Technology Tioh Create Co., Ltd
  • ADACHI Kaoru
    Department of Molecular Chemistry, Kyoto Institute of Technology
  • TSUKAHARA Yasuhisa
    Department of Molecular Chemistry, Kyoto Institute of Technology

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  • 末端チオールポリスチレン薄膜被覆による銅への酸化耐性の付与に関するボルタンメトリー法による検討
  • マッタン チオールポリスチレン ハクマク ヒフク ニ ヨル ドウ エ ノ サンカ タイセイ ノ フヨ ニ カンスル ボルタンメトリーホウ ニ ヨル ケントウ

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We used cyclic voltammetry (CV) to evaluate the oxidation resistance of copper plates covered with thiol-terminated polystyrene (PSt-SH). In addition, we measured the X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) and the contact electrical resistance. The oxidation resistance was determined from the integral value at the anode and cathode regions in the oxidation-reduction curve. We found that the oxidation resistance of copper covered with PSt-SH was smaller for anode oxidation as compared to alkanethiol-covered plates. However, the oxidation resistance of PSt-SH-covered copper was excellent at high temperatures in atmosphere and hardly decreased even by heating up to 150°C. Thus, a thin film of PSt-SH is very useful to improve oxidation resistance of copper surfaces.



    KOBUNSHI RONBUNSHU 73 (3), 294-301, 2016

    The Society of Polymer Science, Japan

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