Switch Mechanism for Polymorphic Supercoiling of the Bacterial Flagellar Filament.

  • NAMBA Keiichi
    Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University Protonic NanoMachine Project, ERATO, JST Dynamic NanoMachine Project, ICORP, JST

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  • 細菌べん毛繊維の超らせん構造スイッチ機構
  • サイキン ベンモウ センイ ノ チョウラセン コウゾウ スイッチ キコウ

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The bacterial flagellar filament is a helical propeller for the rapid swimming of bacteria. Its gently curved and twisted tubular structure is made of a single protein, flagellin, by its self-assembly in a helical manner. The mechanism for the formation of the left-handed helical tube for swimming and its dynamic polymorphic transition into right-handed forms for tumbling in response to quick reversal of the motor rotation has been revealed in the filament and protofilament structures at atomic detail obtained by convergent application of electron cryomicroscopy, X-ray fiber diffraction and X-ray crystallography with new technological devices in each of these methods.


  • Seibutsu Butsuri

    Seibutsu Butsuri 43 (3), 118-123, 2003

    The Biophysical Society of Japan General Incorporated Association


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