- タイトル別名
- A case of bradycardia caused by trigeminocardiac reflex during orthognathic surgery
- ガク キョウセイ シュジュツ チュウ ニ ミツマタ-メイソウ シンケイ ハンシャ ニ ヨリ ジョミャク オ キタシタ ト オモワレタ 1レイ
Asystole or bradycardia due to trigeminocardiac reflex is a rare complication of oral and maxillofacial surgery. We report a case of bradycardia during orthognathic surgery.<br> An 18-year-old woman with retrognathia underwent Le Fort I osteotomy, sagittal split ramus osteotomy, and genioplasty. However, preoperative electrocardiography revealed mild bradycardia. The results of blood examinations and chest radiography were within normal limits. After genioplasty had been done, bradycardia developed suddenly while suturing the mandibular mucoperiosteal flap. Surgery was immediately discontinued; cardiac massage was started, and atropine was administered intravenously. About after 20 seconds, the heart rate recovered to the normal range. No further episode of bradycardia was encountered, and the operation was finished as scheduled. We supposed that bradycardia was caused by traction of the mental nerve.<br> Oral and maxillofacial surgeons should be aware of the possibility of trigeminocardiac reflex during operation.
- 日本口腔外科学会雑誌
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 58 (7), 439-442, 2012
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390001206533256448
- 130004714362
- 10031144921
- AN00189163
- 21861579
- 00215163
- 023908207
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- データソース種別
- JaLC
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