3P251 Photoreaction dynamics of the Cyanobacterial phytochrome 1 (Cph1) studied by the transient grating method(Photobiology: Vision & Photoreception,Poster,The 52th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan(BSJ2014))

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  • 3P251 過渡回折格子法でみた赤色光センサー蛋白質(Cph1)の光反応ダイナミクス(光生物 : 視覚・光受容,ポスター,第52回日本生物物理学会年会(2014年度))

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  • Seibutsu Butsuri

    Seibutsu Butsuri 54 (supplement1-2), S290-, 2014

    The Biophysical Society of Japan General Incorporated Association

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