Performance of a Double Exposure Solar Collector

  • SAITO Yoshikazu
    Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka Institute of Technology

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Other Title
  • 両面集熱式太陽集熱器の性能
  • リョウメン シュウネツシキ タイヨウ シュウネツキ ノ セイノウ

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This research is a study on the design and performance of a double exposure high temperature air collector using stationary cylindrical and flat reflectors. The basic advantages of such a collector are that it does not have to move over a wide range of solar altitudes from 25° to 80° and that it is capable of accepting some diffused radiation in addition to direct beam radiation. The amount of diffused radiation accepted by the collector is inversely proportional to the concentration ratio. A concentration ratio, i.e., collector frontal area versus energy absorption area, of 2.5 was chosen for prototype design and testing. The theoretical and field performance curves were correlated for collector temperatures, incident solar radiation-45° tilt and for ambient air temperatures. Test data taken over several months comfirm the performance of the collector. The results of this study show that high-temperature heat energy can be generated by the present concentrator and applied to practical operating conditions. For example, problems arose in trying to operate an open cycle solar cooling system in summer and in the supply of hot air for heating in winter.


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