Synthetic Evaluation of Room Thermal Environment by Cooling Power between Ambient Environment and Solid Black Cylinder
- SOHN Jang Yeul
- Department of Architecture and Building Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- ISODA Norio
- Nara Women's University
- MATSUI Masayuki
- Department of Environmental Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Department of Architecture and Regional Planning, Toyohashi University of Technology
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- Other Title
- 固体黒塗り円筒に対する温熱環境の冷却力による室内温熱環境の総合的評価に関する研究
- コタイ クロヌリ エントウ ニ タイスル オンネツ カンキョウ ノ レイキャク
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Cooling Power between the thermal environment and the black cylinder as human model, has been analyzed and experimented with two solid cylinders made of aluminium(Al) and copper(Cu). Its purpose is the evaluation of room thermal environment. Size of the cylinder is diameter=0.05m, length=0.2m. The fitness for the theoretical analysis of this paper is verified by the experimental results. It is understood that Cooling Power of the black cylinder evaluates the thermal environment, theoretically and directly, and expresses synthetically air temperature, air velocity and heat radiation of evironment. When Cooling Power of the black cylinder is compared with Operative Temperature of the black cylinder, or measurement of Globe Thermometer, Cooling Power can express air velocity better than the other evaluation methods and it is good to evaluate the human environment.
- Transactions of the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan
Transactions of the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 5 (13), 117-127, 1980
The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning & Sanitary Engineers of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001206546319488
- NII Article ID
- 110007864195
- NII Book ID
- AN00065706
- 24240486
- 0385275X
- 2185024
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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