Energy supply system utilizing Combined Heat and Power for a combination of buildings : In a case where the system uses absorption chillers with limited waste heat utilization

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  • コージェネレーションにおける建物間連系の評価 : 排熱利用に上限がある冷凍機を利用した場合
  • コージェネレーション ニ オケル タテモノ カンレンケイ ノ ヒョウカ ハイネツ リヨウ ニ ジョウゲン ガ アル レイトウキ オ リヨウ シタ バアイ

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The aim of this paper is to discuss the advantages of developing a combination of buildings for CHP implementation in densely occupied urban areas. For this purpose, we suggest an energy supply system where one building installs a CHP system and delivers generated electricity and recovered steam to a neighboring building. Comparison of energy and economic performance of the system with those of a CHP system for individual buildings was carried out considering the current and future generation efficiency of CHP technology and characteristics in heat and electricity demand profile of buildings. The overall results showed that a combination of buildings could contribute to increase energy efficiency of urban areas due to two causes. First, a combination of buildings enables small-scale buildings, in which installation of a CHP system for individual buildings is economically infeasible, to receive energy supply from a CHP system as merit of scale makes it possible to efficiently recover initial investment increase for heat delivery pipelines. Second, a CHP system with a building combination can achieve higher efficiency for cooling energy supply compared with a CHP system for individual buildings by changing the system configuration according to the generation efficiency and waste heat recovery efficiency of the available CHP technology. With the current level of generation efficiency of CHP technology, with which waste heat utilization is important for energy savings, a system configuration using double-effect absorption chillers in a building on the demand side enhances waste heat utilization compared with CHP for individual buildings usually using only waste heat driven and direct fired gas absorption chiller/heaters. After fuel cells with a high generation efficiency and low heat recovery efficiency are available, a CHP system with a combination of buildings can achieve higher energy savings by centralizing the heat source systems of two buildings to an innovative CHP system integrating a fuel cell, heat pumps and chillers.


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