Study on District Cooling, Heating, Electrical Load : Part 2-Results of Heating Load
- IRIBE Masatake
- Takasago Thermal Engineering Co., Ltd.
- AKASHI Yasunori
- Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University
- WATANABE Toshiyuki
- Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University
- YAGI Toshiaki
- Takasago Thermal Engineering Co., Ltd.
- RYU Yuji
- Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University
- HONDA Teruyuki
- Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 地域冷暖房・電気負荷に関する研究 : 第2報-温熱負荷の解析
- チイキ レイダンボウ デンキ フカ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ ダイ2ホウ オンネツ フカ ノ カイセキ
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The purpose of this study is to establish the prediction methods for the cooling, heating and electric loads on district energy supply systems by means of the analysis of existing operation data. The load prediction is indispensable for the planning, introduction and operation of the energy plants and stations. This paper examines the correlation between the weather data and daily maximum or hourly loads of steam and hot water, which are essential to the estimation of the thermal loads of DHC (District Heating and Cooling) plants and CGS (Co-Generation System) stations. As the results, the daily maximum thermal loads depend on the average outdoor air temperature during the building operation time zone. The hourly thermal loads can be predicted using the outdoor air temperature at that time. The comparison of two regional and yearly different data confirms the versatility of the proposed prediction methods.
- Transactions of the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan
Transactions of the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 24 (75), 21-30, 1999
The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning & Sanitary Engineers of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001206546998400
- NII Article ID
- 110007996335
- NII Book ID
- AN00065706
- 24240486
- 0385275X
- 4888599
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles
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- Disallowed