Effect of Bifidus Yogurt on the Defecation Freguency of the Elderly.
- Matsui Toshio
- Fukui Prefectural Institute of Public Health
- Iida Kazutada
- Fukui Prefectural Institute of Public Health
- Okumura Taketo
- Hikari Care Home
- Hatano Motoichi
- Hikari Care Home
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- Other Title
- 老人保健施設入所者に対するビフィズス菌発酵乳による排便回数の改善効果の検討
- ロウジン ホケン シセツ ニュウショシャ ニ タイスル ビフィズスキン ハッコウニュウ ニ ヨル ハイベン カイスウ ノ カイゼン コウカ ノ ケントウ
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We investigated the effect of ingesting bifidus yogurt on the defecation frequency of elderly persons. The subjects were 7 males (80.0 years mean age) and 30 females (83.7 years mean age) residing in a health facility for the elderly. After checking the defecation frequency during the first three-month period, the subjects were asked to ingest daily 100ml of yogurt incorporating 3.6×1010 bifidus for one month. They then ceased ingesting the yogurt. The defecation frequency was checked during the 1-month period of ingesting the yogurt and also during the month after they had ceased ingesting it. The numbers of subjects with perfect activity of daily living (ADL), laxative dosing, cerebrovascular disease, ataxia, and cardiovascular disease were 7, 26, 23, 15, and 12, respectively.<br>The mean frequency of defection was 0.56times/day (0.33 standard deviation) during the first period, 0.77 (0.42 SD) while ingesting yogurt, and 0.76 (0.53 SD) after stopping ingestion. The defecation frequency was therefore significantly increased by ingesting the bifidus yogurt (paired t-test, p<0.001).<br>The proportion of those increasing their defecation frequency by ingesting bifidus yogurt was 59%. Even after stopping the ingestion of bifidus yogurt, 24% of the subjects still retained an increased defecation frequency.<br>The defecation frequency of those without laxative dosing (including those who sometimes took a laxative) was significantly increased even with imperfect ADL (p<0.05). The subjects with perfect or almost perfect ADL and the usual laxative dose showed a significantly increased defecation frequency, although this reverted to the baseline level after stopping the ingestion of yogurt. No significant effect of yogurt was apparent for the bedridden elderly with the usual laxative dose.<br>The ingestion of bifidus yogurt improved the defecation frequency in about 50% of the patients with several diseases, and even after stopping its ingestion, the improvement effect continued.<br>The overall proportion of those whose defecation frequency was improved by ingesting bifidus yogurt was 73% of all the subjects.
- The Japanese Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics
The Japanese Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics 58 (5), 213-218, 2000
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
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- 1390001206548079744
- NII Article ID
- 130003448309
- 10012978545
- NII Book ID
- AN00023058
- 18837921
- 00215147
- 5543407
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- ja
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