- タイトル別名
- Influence of Co-habitation on a Family Line Resemblance in Nutrient and Food-group Intake among Three Generations of Japanese Women.
- カゾク ト ノ ドウキョ ノ ウム ガ ジョセイ 3 セダイ カン デ ノ エイヨウソ ショクヒングン セッシュリョウ ノ ルイジセイ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ
Although a generation-related difference in nutrient and food-group intake has been broadly recognized in the Japanese population, few studies have examined the difference and correlation of this intake between co-habiting generations of the same family line. We therefore conducted a dietary survey on 173 students attending the dietetic course at a junior college in Aichi prefecture, Japan, and on their mothers and grandmothers by using a diet-history questionnaire. Data from 110 families embodying students living with the mother or alone (excepting dormitory dwellers) are included in the study. The means of 13 nutrients and 10 food groups (of the 15 and 14 respectively examined) showed significant differences among the three generations. A significant difference was apparent in the carbohydrate, protein, saturated fatty acids, cholesterol, and fish intakes between the students living with their mothers and those apart. In the correlation analyses between generations, moderate correlation was apparent for most nutrients and food groups between the students and their mothers living together (correlation range for nutrients=0.30-0.61, and for food groups=0.21-0.56). A wide variation with no consistency was seen for the correlation range between the students and their grandmothers (-0.18-0.59 and-0.33-0.65, respectively). No meaningful correlation was apparent between any two generations living apart. Among the food groups examined, pulses, fish, and vegetables showed relatively large differences for the correlation between two groups with different living conditions. When living together, the correlation coefficients for ingested nutrients and food groups between the students and their mothers decreased according to the increase in frequency of eating out by the students. These results suggest that living together was an important factor for the resemblance in dietary habits between generations in the Japanese population in which a marked generation-related difference in dietary habits exists.
- 栄養学雑誌
栄養学雑誌 58 (5), 195-206, 2000
特定非営利活動法人 日本栄養改善学会
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390001206548082944
- 130003448307
- 10012316399
- 10012978502
- AN00023058
- 18837921
- 00215147
- http://id.crossref.org/issn/00215147
- 5543034
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- データソース種別
- JaLC
- NDLサーチ
- Crossref
- CiNii Articles
- OpenAIRE
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