飲酒と糖尿病のコントロール II


  • Relationship between the Control of Diabetes and Alcohol Drinking
  • インシュ ト トウニョウビョウ ノ コントロール 2
  • 第2報



As mentioned in our first report, it was clarified that, in diabetics, there was a close relationship between aggravation of blood glucose level and alcohol intake. In the present study, the influence of alcohol intake on blood glucose control of 70 diabetic drinkers and 18 diabetic drinkers who stopped taking alcohol was examined.<br>In 70 diabetic drinkers, 31 patients showed aggravation of blood glucose levels. Sixteen (Group A) of these 31 patients experienced aggravation of the blood glucose level due to alcohol intake, at least, to some extent. The remaining 15 patients (Group B) seemed to show change in their control of diabetes due to other factors. Data concerning frequency and quantity of alcoholic intake in their weekly diet were compared between Group A and B.<br>Of 18 diabetic drinkers, reasons why they abstained from alcohol drinking were questioned. Eight of these 18 patients answered that it was because they experienced aggravation of blood glucose control due to alcohol intake.<br>It is concluded that abstinence from alcohol should be strongly indicated for the diabetic drinker who takes alcohol every day.


  • 栄養学雑誌

    栄養学雑誌 35 (5), 221-226, 1977

    特定非営利活動法人 日本栄養改善学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

