Utilization of Detailed Soil Map and Soil Information System for Field Management

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  • 圃場管理のための大縮尺土壌図の作成と土壌情報システムの利用
  • ホジョウ カンリ ノ タメ ノ ダイシュクシャク ドジョウズ ノ サクセイ ト

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In this report, a detailed soil map was prepared using correlation of microtopography with soil distribution. And then the lacking soil data of fields were supplied with the Soil Information System (SIS) and the accuracy of these supplied soil data were checked with actual soil survey. Additionally, the practical soil map was prepared by using both the detailed soil map and SIS. It was found that there is a good correlation between microtopography and soil type distribution as follows : Brown Lowland Soils (Typic Udifluvents) and the natural levee in lowland ; Pseudogleys (Typic Haplaquepts) and plateau of convex microtopography in terrace ; and Gley Upland Soils (Humic Haplaquepts) and the concave microtopography in terrace. In the old river channel, however, Gley Lowland Soils (Typic Haplaquepts) or Gray Lowland Soils (Fluventic Haplaquepts) distributed with different texture class such as fine or gravel. In backmarsh, soil types were transited gradually to Gray Lowland Soils, Gley Lowland Soils and Lowmoor Peat Soils (Medihemists) in accordance with hydromorphic condition. Therefore, it is necessary to identify soil types and determine the border of soil phases with the actual performance of soil survey in old river channel and backmarsh. The error for the depth of gravel layer and gley layer between from the actual soil survey and from interpolated SIS and the detailed map, was 27% in maximum. The causes of error are due to the accuracy and mapping unit of detailed soil map. These errors may decrease with increasing soil survey data that can be input to SIS. It was concluded that the practical soil map for management of field soils can be prepared rapidly and effectively using the detailed map and SIS.


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