A Measurement of the Helical Pitch of Ferroelectric SmC Liquid Crystal

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  • 強誘電性液晶のらせんピッチの測定 (1989年春季講演会)
  • 強誘電性液晶のらせんピッチの測定
  • キョウユウデンセイ エキショウ ノ ラセン ピッチ ノ ソクテイ

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It is well known that the periodic helical structure of a ferroelectric SmC liquid crystal gives rise to the selective reflection. Therefore, one can determine the helical pitch by measuring the selective reflection if one knows the refractive indices of the ferroelectric liquid crystal. We have obtained the temperature dependence of the helical pitch of a ferroelectric SmC liquid crystal mixture CS-1017 by measuring the selective reflection in a homeotropically aligned cell. The helical pitch increases as the temperature rises, and then decreases near the SmC-SmA transition point. We think that the helical pitch in the homeotropically aligned cell can be determined more accurately than that of a homogeneously aligned cell, because the wall anchoring effect in the homeotropically aligned cell is weaker. The higher order reflections by distortion of the helical structure were detected when a weak dc electric field was applied normal to the helical axis, and they satisfied the Bragg condition. Therefore, the helical pitch can be also determined by the higher order reflettions, because the helical pitch does not stretch in such a weak electric field.


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