One-Dimensional State and Superfluidity of <sup>4</sup>He Nanotubes

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  • <sup>4</sup>Heナノチューブの1次元状態と超流動性 (解説)
  • 4Heナノチューブの1次元状態と超流動性
  • 4He ナノチューブ ノ 1ジゲン ジョウタイ ト チョウリュウドウセイ

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4He Bose fluids from three-dimensional (3D) to 1D states have been realized by using nanopores and flat substrates. The 4He films formed in the 3D nanopores show a 3D superfluid transition. The 4He fluids in the lower dimensions show superfluidity depending on measurement frequencies and system sizes. In the 2D films, superfluidity was observed at extremely high measurement frequencies in the normal fluid state above the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature. The 4He nanotubes formed in 1D nanopores set in the 1D phonon state and show the superfluidity. The 2π-phase winding in the scale of the 1D length and "phase slip" play the main roles for the observation of superfluidity in the 1D state.


  • Butsuri

    Butsuri 66 (9), 666-675, 2011-09-05

    The Physical Society of Japan


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