Classification of alveolar ridge configuration and the selection criteria of the bone augmentation techniques

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<p>The purpose of bone augmentation in implant treatment is not only to acquire bone volume for function but also to improve esthetics and cleanability. Selection of bone augmentation techniques is needed for the implant treatment with considering configurations of the alveolar bone defects. Configurations of alveolar bone defect can be classified into three types, intra-bony defect such as dehiscence type and extraction socket, lateral bone defect and vertical bone defect. Augmentation in lateral and vertical bone defect is recognized as being more difficult compared to that of intra-bony defect because of less supplement of osteogenic cells from residual bone. In addition, external pressure such as occlusal force and labial pressure is strongly significant in external augmentation, and thus the use of space making device is important for resistance of the external pressures. The purpose of this present report describes the selection criteria of bone augmentation technique in each defect’s configurations.</p>



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