CARATS Open Dataの分析による各巡航高度の選択率を ジェット気流を考慮して推算するモデルの研究

  • 田村 真規
    連絡先著者(Corresponding author) :masanori-tamura@asagi. 早稲田大学大学院基幹理工学研究科機械科学専攻
  • 手塚 亜聖


  • Study of Model to Estimate the Selectivity of Each Cruise Altitude Considering Jet Stream Using CARATS Open Data
  • CARATS Open Data ノ ブンセキ ニ ヨル カク ジュンコウ コウド ノ センタクリツ オ ジェット キリュウ オ コウリョ シテ スイサン スル モデル ノ ケンキュウ



<p>CARATS has been formulated as a long-term vision for the future air traffic system, and conversion from prediction of weather phenomena affecting aircraft operation to quantitative restrictive conditions for flight is aimed. In this paper, as weather affected aircraft operation, we focused on the jet stream and investigate the relationship between the jet stream and the cruising altitude of each flight using CARATS Open Data and Meso Scale Model (MSM). The result shows that when the altitude of the lower surface of vertical wind shear below 29,000ft observed on the flight path, almost all flights selected lower altitude than the vertical wind shear. When the lower surface altitude is higher than 30,000ft, the ratio of flights that selected lower altitude than the vertical wind shear tends to increase. However, this ratio varies depending on the thickness of the vertical wind shear in the altitude direction. The thicker wind shear, the ratio of flights that selected lower altitudes tends to increase. Based on the results of the survey, we created a flow chart of the model to estimate the selectivity of each cruise altitude considering jet stream. </p>


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