Vertical distributions and the amounts of sulfate in different types of forest soils from Hokuriku district, Japan
- Graduate school of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
- Graduate school of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
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- Other Title
- 北陸地方の土壌型を異にする森林土壌における硫酸イオンの断面分布と現存量
- ホクリク チホウ ノ ドジョウガタ オ イ ニ スル シンリン ドジョウ ニ オケル リュウサン イオン ノ ダンメン ブンプ ト ゲンソンリョウ
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On the different types of soils of the Hokuriku district, Japan, under strong influences by Trans-boundary air pollution, sulfate contents and some chemical properties of forest soil samples were determined to reveal the characteristics of vertical distributions and the amounts of sulfate of soils. Vertical distributions of adsorbed sulfate varied according to soil types, and correlated with the distribution patterns in some chemical properties such as extractable Al/Fe and organic matters within soil profiles. Red-Yellow soil had the highest amounts of sulfate as weighted average with 16.4mmol kg^<-1>, followed by Allophanic Kuroboku soils and Yellow Brown Forest soils with the range of 9.4〜14.5 mmol kg^<-1>. Thapto-humic Non-allophanic Kuroboku soils, Haplic Brown Forest soil and Podzolic soil had lower amounts of sulfate (1.6〜5.8 mmol kg^<-1>). The dominant adsorbents of sulfate were (Al_o-Al_p) and (Fe_o-Fe_p) for Kuroboku soils and, (Al_d-Al_p) and (Fe_d-Fe_p) for other soil types. A strong correlation was obtained between S-retention, a new index of additional sulfate adsorption potential, and these adsorbents. On the other hand, the relationships between sulfate contents and these adsorbents were different among soil ages, showing that older soils tend to accumulate sulfate. Therefore, it indicated the amounts of sulfate in soils are determined by not only sulfate adsorption potential or current deposition of sulfate but also the time of soil genesis.
- Pedologist
Pedologist 57 (1), 12-26, 2013-06-30
Japanese Society of Pedology
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001288041160576
- NII Article ID
- 110009804553
- NII Book ID
- AN00223512
- 21897336
- 00314064
- 024734949
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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