Ecological Study of Hypermastus tokunagai (Gastropoda: Eulimidae), Parasitic on the Sand Dollar Scaphechinus mirabilis (Echinoidea: Irregularia)

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  • ハスノハカシパンに寄生する巻貝トクナガヤドリニナの生態学的研究

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The eulimid gastropod Hypermastus tokunagai was found to be parasitic on the irregular sea urchin Scaphechinus mirabilis. An ecological study of this parasitic snail was conducted monthly from May 2005 to May 2006 in the western part of the Seto Inland Sea. The parasite rather loosely attached itself to the integument of the host by its proboscis, but no hole was observed in the scar formed at the attachment position. Free-living H. tokunagai were also found in the bottom sediment in the survey area. Thus, the mode of parasitism of H. tokunagai is assumed to be relatively independent and association with its host temporary. There was no relationship between the degree of infestation and the size of the host. Most parasites attached themselves to the oral side of the host, with a significant preference for the peripheral portion. The prevalence and the mean abundance increased in the spring and autumn, and decreased in summer and winter.



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