The Process of the Support by the Proficient and Expert Hospital Nurses for the Community Settlement of the Discharged Schizophrenia Patients Who Were Readmitted within Three Months

  • Maki Shigeyoshi
    Sugiyama Jogakuen University School of Nursing Department of Nursing
  • Nagai Kuniyoshi
    Toyohashi Sozo University School of Health Sciences Department of Nursing
  • Ando Shoko
    Fundamental and Clinical Nursing, Department of Nursing, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine (Health Sciences)

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Other Title
  • 3か月以内に再入院した統合失調症患者に対する地域定着に向けた中堅・熟練病院看護師の支援プロセス


Purpose: This study aimed to identify the process of support by hospital nurses for discharged schizophrenia patients. <br>Methods: Participants were 17 proficient or expert psychiatric nurses. A semi-structured interview was conducted, through which the researcher investigated the types of support provided by nurses. Data were analyzed using a qualitative approach. <br>Results: Hospital nurses provided support through the following five steps: [As a sympathizer; understanding the patient's tasks and predicting the post-discharge life of each patient], [Mediating between the patient and the family, with consideration for the happiness of both the patient and his/her family after discharge], [Establishing a relationship of trust with the patient, ensuring the patient's sense of security, and considering his/her impaired ability to establish rapport], [Supporting the patient so that he/she can accept his/her illness], and [Bridging the gap between the community and the hospital, including nursing in the hospital, as part of the process]. <br>Conclusions: Nurses made predictions regarding the patient's life after discharge and provided support. With the nurses' support, the patient acquired a lifestyle that he/she could maintain. Nurses bridging the gap between the community and hospital enabled the patient to accept support after discharge.


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